Archived on 7/21/15

UA Women In Computing Informational Meeting Notes

Good afternoon!

Thank you to all of those who attended Monday’s meeting, and thank you to those who have shown interest in joining this group! For those who couldn’t come, I wanted to share some information with you about what we discussed.

With this semester coming to an end, I would recommend that the next meeting be scheduled in August, perhaps, the second week of school. If you have a different recommendation, please let me know! Once the university has approved our group, I will send out a link to our website. If you happen to really love building websites, and you would like to improve our website, let me know, and it shall be yours ;-)

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, feel free to let me know. If you no longer want to be included on these emails, please send me an email, and I will remove you from my distribution list.

Thanks and good luck on all of your final projects and exams!